Friday, August 18, 2006

Back in the Game

Well, welcome back everyone.

My email inbox has picked up again, but please rather comment on the site. It makes life easier and it also allows other users to follow what I am saying.

I think it is important to address a particular comment so that I can move the discussion in more productive direction. Jen has said that I wanted some of Neil Watson's publicity to rub off on me. What I really wanted was to rub off some of Neil's publicity, if that makes any sense. I didn't try to "come across as an opposition to his site". I was opposing his site, and I still do. I think it is trash. Jen is convinced that Neil's site is working (i.e. the crime rate is dropping?). I just don't think anyone can say that yet. It's way too early, and if it was working, I'm sure Neil would be the first to proclaim on his site how peaceful South Africa is getting (see the note on sarcasm in my previous entry).

Jen also says that Neil accepts his critics. If she is interested, I welcome her to email me to receive information on people who have attempted to comment on his site. As I expected when I started this blog, I was not the only critic of Neil's who was barred from commenting on his site.

Although I have much more to say, I noticed that there were requests for me to keep my posts brief, so I'll save it for another day. What I will say, however is that I will not let Neil Watson "run a net campaign... without unneccessary opposition" because as everyone no doubt knows, opposition is what makes a democracy. If I want to say something, I will, but I will be mindful of others and I will respect their opinions, whether they are 5, 43 or 102 years old. Credibility is not lost in debate and argument. Credibility is lost in unchallenged bias. A child's playground is one of the most honest and progressive places. If that is what some people think this blog has become, so be it. As the saying goes "Children are our future". By simple logic: The people who believe in what this site stands for will succeed in the end.


At 9:36 pm, August 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back in business fellow South Africanist...
Now lets keep this country rolling...
can't chat for too long, There's alot to be done! ;)

At 4:53 pm, September 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howzit Addy

I don't want to put more hate in our already hate-ridden society, so I'l play nice now. By saying 'Neil's site is working' I just meant that it was creating mass awareness, and really quick. Kind of pressuring the government. I WISH I had meant that the crime rate was dropping.

By 'accepting his critics' I meant that he publishes opposing comments now and then on his site. I think this is more effective than publishing every single opposing comment and opinion. The same goes for both your sites (because opinions are so strong): if too much fighting takes place, it's easy to forget that you're both fighting the same battle, just in different ways.

Good luck,

At 4:35 pm, September 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see you're back Addy, nice to see at least one positive face in a sea of "I promise you bru, SA is going downhill fast" type comments.

Overall it's very unbalanced at the moment with negative opinion getting 99% of the exposure, we need balance and perspective!

I'm interested to see what the years crime stats say when released on Wednesday, kind of hoping they go up actually to try and give the government a bit of a wake-up call. If they go down, even marginally, they will probably come out and say they're doing a good job...

Anyway I diverge, keep it up, cheers


At 8:34 am, September 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Addy!

I added your link to my website, - There will be something in the Rapport on Sunday, so be sure to have an increase in hits. It'll be great if you can maybe update on some of the blatant lies on Crime Expo SA. NW's advice to the one tourist:

"I will suggest that you include arrangements, should one of you or both get slaughtered or executed (happen to international tourists daily). You have to ensure that your insurance pay for the transfer of a body/bodies from SA to Italy. It will make things easier for your grieving families back home. CESA was formed to do what is morally correct: To inform tourists by bringing you directly in contact with ordinary South Africans."

It's absolutely shocking! I mean, this tourist has already booked her ticket, and now these liers on Crime Expo SA come up with such rubbish. Anyway, I common sense will tell you that Crime Expo SA is just a bunch of lies!

Good luck with your blog!

At 4:10 pm, October 03, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a look at
Maybe Neil Watson's site is a money making scam.

At 12:02 pm, October 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not really sure there is any alternative to

as a terrified south african there just is no other place for me to express my thoughts and fears of crime. reading some 'feel good' posts just doesnt cut it when the crime is all around me. dont tell me everything is ok because i know its not - i see it all around me every day. people i know and love are getting hurt. badly.

If you think that the CESA apoach is wrong, then offer a hard alternative - not just talking about how its not that bad. show me a real alternative.

At 1:12 pm, November 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NEIL WATSON IS A FRAUD!!!!!,,2-7-1442_2034972,00.html

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- c

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