Am I telling the truth?
I have had to question whether I can rely on comments from people posting on my site. There are a lot of facts being stated here. I'm no statistician, but I do know when one fact contradicts another, there is something not right.One aspect of our problem is crime statistics. We don't have any, officially. Claims are being made that the official stats from SAPS are incredibly high, but then again, the other corner is claiming that the same source shows a general decline in crime. I'll admit, I haven't checked these stats myself because my support does not substantiate anything. It was never my intention to be a statistician or to comment here about how bad crime is in SA. I'd rather look at how badly we want to fix it and how we can go about doing that without dragging the name of our country through the mud.
Another thing I have commented on is the reliability and authenticity of Mr Watson's site, more specifically, the gruesome pictures he is publishing. I have only seen one of these pictures to date and am unsure as to whether there are more because my Internet explorer keeps crashing when I try to visit it. Somewhere in the over 600 comments now on this site, someone said that the picture Mr Watson used was not submitted by crime affected South Africans but rather a copy and paste job from This is a web site I have no intention of trawling, looking for the same graphic I originally saw. If someone can substantiate that the graphic was taken from, it would help immensly. Please post a comment or email me directly.
For those of you that support Mr Watson's site and are against me trying to discredit him, please know that I have it on very good authority that a proper site will soon be launched which will invite ALL interested parties to have their say. Also, it is hoped that there will be more accurate information provided.
This does fit into Mr Watson's overall goal to better the country by reducing crime levels. Something we all agree needs to be done.
And in case you didn't read my extra long post above, here is the summary: Please contact me if you have any information regarding the graphic pictures on the Crime Expo SA site, and where they come from.